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    TR DIZIN 2020 Etik Kriterleri  kapsamında, dergimize 2020 yılında gönderilen ve gönderilecek olan yayınlar için Etik Kurul Belgesi zorunlu olacaktır. Bu kapsamda etik kurul izni gerektiren çalışmalar için makalenin yöntem bölümünde ilgili Etik Kurul Onayı ile ilgili bilgilerin (kurul-tarih-sayı) yer verilmesi gerekecektir. Bu nedenle dergimize makale gönderimi yapacak olan aday yazarlarımızın ilgili kriteri göz önünde bulundurarak makalelerini düzenlemeleri önemle rica olunur.





This study is made to detect participants of different generation's thoughts on turkish language 's problems and their idea on how to deal with these problems in order to indicate how much measure of their turkish awareness. This study is based on an illustrative method. Research universe of study is all of people live in Istanbul(11.502.393 person). Sampling is also people live in Istanbul who is over 15 years old. This study include 799 people who is selected with random method and all of them is volunteer. All data is collected Information Form and Turkish Consciousness Scale. Most of the participants are at x, y and z generation. The majority in this study think turkish language has problems that tend to use foreign words and careless using of language. Further almost all participants do not know any study to sort out of turkish language problems. The participants suggested solutions to remove the problems in the Turkish language; Education and Awareness. In the study, the highest average score of the majority of the participants in all generation are that items "the language of the Turkish nation is Turkish", "Turkish is the most important determinant of our social identity". And people communicate their disturbance about using foreign words to the authorized institution in mass medium, which is chosen less than others. It can be said that the level of importance in country of the Turkish consciousness of participants in all generations is high, the right use of mass media in the middle, it can be said that the Turkish consciousness is higher according to total score taken from the scale. It can be interpreted that the participants are aware of the problems of Turkish language no matter which generation they are in, but that the majority of them do not know the studies related to the solution of the problems related to the Turkish language and that the Turkish consciousness is high.

Generations, Turkish language, Turkish consciousness, generational differences.

Adress :Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Derneği Karaman Mahallesi, Fulya Sokak, No 1 Nilüfer / Bursa
Phone :+90224 2941652-41885 Fax :+90224 2941897
Email :tekedergisi@gmail.com

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