Elegeşt I (E 10) Yazıtının 5. Satırındaki Devlet ve İktidar Simgeleri


Yenisey inscriptions are smaller than Orhon inscriptions in terms of text. And there are a lot of variants of letters in the texts of the Yenisey inscriptions. Moreover some Yenisey inscriptions has been damaged. Therefore scientists are not interested a lot in Yenisey inscriptions. Yenisey inscriptions began to attract the attention of scientists in recent years, and many researches have been done on. In this article, we have tried to find information about symbols of state and rule by scanning on the texts of the inscriptions. As a result of this study was found that there are symbols of state and rule such as al uru?u (red flag), altunlyg kesh (gold quiver), egnin yütim (shoulder cloth), belde banym (waist-belt) in the Elegesht I (E 10) inscription. Also have been discovered the information indirectly related to symbols of state and rule, as in the form of title tuglug (flagged) in other inscriptions. Therefore, has been found that Yenisey inscriptions are not small texts a lack of historical, social, ethnography and other information, used to as it should

Anahtar Kelimeler
Kokturk lettered Yenisey inscriptions, symbols of state and rule,