
The narrative techniques used to present a topic in a text contribute to the creation of a rich, multi-layered structure that is imbued with meaning and evokes powerful associations, thereby enhancing the narrative. Thus, an original story emerges from the narrative. The curiosity of the child reader, who finds himself in a fictional world, is activated through original story books written considering the developmental levels of children. This allows child readers to develop their thinking skills and creativity. Within this study, the stories in Tacettin Şimşek's book 'Yeşil Gözlü Kardan Adam' were analyzed in terms of their narrative techniques. Upon examination, it can be observed that the aforementioned book utilizes contemporary narrative techniques that rely on showing, which in turn results in the presentation of unique story examples. These examples contribute to the development of language and thinking skills in students and nurture their creativity. After the study, it is recommended that the stories in the book be used in Turkish language books prepared for primary and secondary school students, as well as in textbooks prepared for creative writing courses

Anahtar Kelimeler

Narrative techniques, Children's storybook, Yeşil Gözlü Kardan Adam, language development
