
Inference, which includes the cognitive process that the receiver goes through during the process of making sense of the message, is the sum of the transmitter's power to tell what he means and the receiver's ability to read the codes in the surface structure without breaking away from the original message. Factors such as that the message does not have the same meaning for every receiver, the power of expression changes according to the sender, and the striking expression cannot be achieved affect the inference result. It has been observed that inferences have both morphological and lexical markers, and beyond these, supra-sentence units, background knowledge, the world view of the recipient and the donor also affect the inference. In order to examine the appearance of the inference sentences, the part of Süleyman Çelebi's "Vesîletü'n-Necât" in which the birth of the Hz. Prophet and the events that took place after birth are explained was chosen as the research area in our study. After giving general information about the theoretical background and inference classification, information was given about the inference classification to be used in the analysis. The appearance of the inference sentences was determined through text analysis, taking into account the semantic integrity in the couplets. Sentences were not handled independently of the context, and the systematics of inference sentences in the existing text were emphasized, based on the data obtained from the sentences.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Vesîletü'n-Necât, Süleyman Çelebi, Inference, Inference Classification, Inference Markers
