
The main aim of the present study is to investigate critical reading self-efficacy perceptions of prospective teachers in terms of various variables. Research used descriptive screening model. The sample constitutes 633 prospective teachers studying in the first and fourth year of Classroom Teaching, Social Studies Teacher, Turkish Education, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Pre-School Education, Counseling and Guidance Teaching, the Science and Technology Education and English Teaching in Faculty of Education at Cukurova University. During data collection process, Critical Reading Self-Efficacy Perception Scale developed by Karadeniz (2014) was used. In the analysis of data, non-parametric tests were used as the normal distribution of data cannot be provided with descriptive statistics. Mann-Whitney U test was used for the comparison of paired groups while Kruskal-Wallis test was utilized for comparing more than two groups. As a result of the research, it was determined that prospective teachers express their opinions as “agree” in terms of sub-dimensions of critical reading self-efficacy perception scale such as questioning, analyzing, evaluating and deducing while they express their opinions as “partly agree” concerning such sub-dimension as to find similarities and differences . It was found that critical reading self-efficacy perceptions of prospective teachers do not differ significantly in terms of gender, class level and book genres while it shows a significant difference depending upon type of university entrance scores, majors, reading frequency and whether there is a bookcase in their homes or not.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Critical reading, reading, self efficacy, teacher prospective.