
As voice is rather active in semantic change and in casting among the items in the phrase, it stands in the central position in the shaping of a language’s semantic dimension. Voice suffixes generate particular logical and purposeful changes in the deep and surface structure of the phrase. In due course of these changes, the semantic dimension between the deep structure and the surface structure takes forms. In the grammar-based studies on voice in Turkish, the change in form a verb encounters through affixation and the effect of this formal change on the sentence elements is investigated. This investigation is dealt mostly on the formal plane. However, it is not enough to deal with voice just on the formal plane. Voice should be examined in morphological, syntactic and semantic planes. These morphological dissections carried out without paying attention to the different functions of the same affix are not enough to meet the explanation of the topic. One of the argumentative topics caused by approaching the topic from only the morphological aspect is the situation referred to as “multiple voice”, “multi-voiced”, “double voice”, “multiple passivity”, “multiple factitive”, which is formed when two affixes, which are evaluated within the same voice category are used on the verb stem one after another.

Anahtar Kelimeler
multiple voice, making a action word, making process word, intensifying.