Bilimsel Eserlerde Yer Alan Bazı (Kök)Türk Tipografi Modellerinin Tasarım Özellikleri ve Kemçik-Çırgak (E-41) Yazıtı Üzerine Font Denemesi


In this study general characteristic of main (Kök)Türk typography models that used on scientific works, reflections of appearance on inscriptions and idealized designs were examined by comparing. Based on these comparisons a font (.ttf) model for trial was introduced Kemçik-Çıgrak inscription before published O. DONNER, H. N. ORKUN, S. Ye. MALOV, İ. A. BATMANOV, E. RECEBOV - Y. MEMMEDOV, İ. V. KORMUŞİN and E. AYDIN’s typography models on works and photos, estampaj and drawings / pictures which situated on D. D. VASILYEV, O. N. TUNA and electronic database TÜRİK BİTİG.

Anahtar Kelimeler
(Kök)türk typography, Kemçik-Çıgrak inscription (E 41), font experiment.