
This study examines the intensitive particles that are used in Tuva Turkish. Tuva Turkish is one of the dialects among the contemporary Turkish dialects where intensitive particles are widely used. Various particles are used for reinforcement in order to strengthen the meaning and prevent misunderstandings. In the study, intensitive particles that are accepted by linguists are mostly covered. These particles are given in example sentences. In the study, a total of 26 intensitive particles are covered, including “aan, ale, areyne, baza, be, bezin, bolgay, boor, çaa, çadavs, çe, çerle, çügle, daan, -dır, eves, ıncaş, ışkaş ıynaan, irge, iyik, iyin, key, la, magat çook, ooda”. Intensitive particles that are not used in example text are not covered.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Language, Tuva, dialect, perticle, intensitive.